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Hamptons Marathon

In a few days I am going to run my second marathon. Last year I ran the Marine Corp marathon in DC, and this Saturday, Sept 27, I am going to run the Hamptons Marathon, a new one on the east end of Long Island. I tried to get into the NY Marathon, a really popular one, but it’s a lottery and I did not get selected. So the Hamptons it is.

Patti’s uncle Tim is flying out from Minnesota to run it as well, although he is a professional marathon runner while I am just a beginner. He already did one this year in Duluth, MN.

I think I am ready. I had a good tune up run this past Saturday, logging about 20 miles in just over 3 hours. I felt good, and was able to do 7 the following morning. As long as I don’t hurt myself, get a cold, or some other freak injury, I should be fine.

Why do I do this? Good question. Mostly to keep my weight down, plus mental health of being alone for long stretches while running. I don’t know, actually, because I could just eat better to keep the weight down and sit in a dark room if I want to be alone. Now that I think about, why DO I do this? Its killer on my body, time consuming, it HURTS, its not really fun at all, ESPECIALLY when it gets up around 20 miles, and then I have at least ANOTHER FREAKIN HOUR to run before I can stop. All for a dumb metal and a t-shirt that is often ugly and fits bad. Oh, the bagels and bananas are great but SO IS SLEEPING LATE ON SUNDAY MORNING. Good grief what is my problem.

Anyway, wish Tim and I luck on Saturday.


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Good Luck Tim and Dave.

A friend of mine was shut out of the NYC Marathon (in 2006), But shoehorned in via a Run for the Cure group. I think it was connected to Mt. Sinai or one of the other big hospitals in town.

Is there a webb site we can track you run like we did with the Marine Run?

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