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Oh so close

Less than 48 hours before the gun sounds starting the 30th running of Grandma’s Marathon. Approximately 9000 runners will be heading down the North Shore of Lake Superior. The course is quite scenic even after you have seen it many times before.

Last night I began my preparation. Earlier in the day I made a list of the things that I needed. I carefully laid everything out onto the bed. Checked the items off of the list as I went. Pretty much got it done, I just need to find my headband and I’ll be all set as far as my running gear.

Of course I am cautious optimistic about how I will do. There is the normal amount of anxiety however I also feel quite confident. My goal is to finish. As far as when I finish, I have hopes that I will finish around 4:30 and no longer than 5:00. Should I take longer than 5:00 I will not be disappointed because for me this is not a race, it’s an adventure.

My next post will be my race report.


Good luck Uncle Tim. We'll be cheering for you from Boston.