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E-bay is now number 1 on my sh^t list at the moment. Even though I strongly believe in the free market system, a line has been crossed.

Today a local radio station distributed 35000 copies of a music cd to local target stores. These cd’s are sold with the proceeds from the sales going to charity. A great promotion for a great cause. The radio station receives permission from several artists to include a song on the cd. They are limited to a set number that can be produced.

So what happens? The greedy no good low life scum grab up the cd’s and then turn around and sell them on e-bay.

It’s unfortunate than that you have idiots who just have to have one and pay an exorbitant price to get one. It goes to the old adage that there is a sucker born every minute. Therefore we have a society of scum and suckers.

I shouldn’t be so upset. The scum and the suckers have been around all throughout the history of this country. There was the snake oil salesmen way back when. We had all those pyramid schemes going on in the seventies and eighties. Now there is e-bay. The good old American way.

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