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G'kid Update 2/19/08

Sean has moved up from the terrible two’s to the wild and free three’s. Sean is no longer the cute slightly pudgy little baby he once was. He has grown into a sleek and tall handsome little boy. As most kids are he is quite inquisitive and is so full of questions. Sean has what I call a very good imagination and I love to watch him as he plays. It won’t be much longer and he will be throwing on his backpack and heading off to school.

Mira will soon be entering the terrible two’s. I think we are getting a prelude at this point. Some might say she has attitude. One thing is for sure and that is she is still as cute as ever. Those cute brown eyes can make grandpa melt. Mira’s mom enrolled her in a gymnastics class. I think we could describe Mira as a free spirit in the class. She mostly has her own agenda when it comes to doing things. I think being a free spirit is a good thing and it’s not to unlike her mom.

Kyle is now pretty much on the loose. He started walking shortly after he turned one. One thing for sure is that he is not about to take a back seat to his older brother. Kyle will stand firm when he thinks an object should be his even if it’s not. I have a feeling he will be quite a scrapper and no way will his cousins be able take advantage of his youth. Watching Kyle continue to develop his personality will be just as much fun as it was with Sean and Mira.

I had thought there was no greater joy than watching my children grow up and become who there are today. Watching my grandkids will rival that joy and just might exceed it considering they out number my children. Bring it on because I am looking forward to sharing life with them.


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