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Hilton Hotel

I stay at Hilton often, about once or twice a week, and I just got off the phone with them about two stays in August that they billed me for when I was not there (NY Hilton). And you know what? They just put me on "notice" for cancelling too often. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?? A hotel chain that I CHOOSE to stay at over 50 times a year just said they are making a note in my Hilton Honors profile about MY activity. Well, HILTON, I am making a note on YOUR activity.

A-holes. I guess they want me to take my 330 dollar a night EVERY WEEK business elsewhere.

Note to Hilton: DO...NOT...mess with me on this, I am tired of traveling and bitter about airlines, hotels and rental cars, hate restaurants and airport food, and sitting in traffic, grumpy about missing my kids activities and ignorning stuff I need to do around my house. Now is NOT the time to push back when I have to cancel a room and ask for a refund when YOU charge me.


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you tell 'em hon!

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