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Pink Floyd's Rick Wright

As some of you know…actually, most of the two people who read this have no idea…I love Pink Floyd. My eldest sister, who would probably deny this, brought Pink Floyd The Wall home when I was in fourth grade and after listening, I was hooked. Pink Floyd is my favorite band, at the least they are top 3, and earlier this week one of the founding members died. Rick Wright was the keyboardist who also sang and wrote songs. For the few who follow the band, they have had a rough go of it, with a falling out between the two leading members, David Gilmour and Roger Waters. Rick had his own issues with Roger. Band stuff I guess.

I’ve seen the group in concert probably half a dozen times (seeing Roger Waters solo another 5). Great group, named after U.S. bluesmen Pink Anderson and Floyd Council.

Anyway, Rick Wright died after a short bought of cancer. Sad for anyone, sadder for Pink Floyd fans.

Quick write up here.


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