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Got it Dun

Today’s training run was the long run for the week (runners call it a LSD). Every week a scheduled LSD is run as a finale for that week. This weeks run was a 20 miler.

For me today was quite grueling to say the least. I did get the miles in but as the old phrase goes it wasn’t pretty. Didn’t feel that great either.

I started out just like I had wanted too. I was running a very steady pace for the first loop of my run. The loop I run is about 8.5 miles. I replenished my supply of Gatorade and headed out for lap two feeling very strong. Than all of sudden at mile 11 I could feel I was weakening. A good analogy would be like watching a thermometer go down as a cold front comes through. At mile 12 I thought maybe another shot of Gatorade would give me a boost. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case and in running terms I had bonked. From 12 to 17 I alternated between walking for about 20 yards and running about ¾ of mile. Finally I got back to the house and a fresh Gatorade and ice water for my hat. That would hopefully give me enough to get through to the end.

I managed to run, sort of, for the last three. It took every thing I had and a whole lot of talk between my maker and me to finish the last three. It’s done and despite it didn’t go as I hoped; I feel it was success nonetheless.

Oh, I also owe a lot to those that supported me from the RCC. Thanks.

For those that are interested here is the loop that I ran today http://www.usatf.org/routes/view.asp?rID=22172

Tomorrow will be a rest day and than its back to the pavement.