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Had to do it.

Sometimes a person needs to evaluate the situation and do what he/she thinks is best. I was struggling with what to do with the leg pain that I have had for about a week now. I had to decide what I thought would be best.

My decision was to give it more rest than work. I have only run twice this week, Tuesday and Thursday. I will also take today off. The rest however ends today.

On Saturday morning I will get out for an easy paced 5 to 6 miler in the morning. Than on Sunday a 20 miler is on the docket. I am really looking forward to getting back out there. It will be tough to hold back my pace on Saturday but it’s necessary to prevent future problems.

On Sunday I won’t be alone. I have a few unseen friends that will be running with me. For quite sometime now I have been chatting online with some other runners that have something in common with me. That something is Weight Watchers. So a number of them have said they will go out and run at that same time that I am running. We have created a virtual running group. It will be a good time.