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Okay I am back on the road again. I decided to stay off the legs because of minor pain issues. Certainly didn’t want the issues to become major. Last night was my first run in just over a week.

I am happy to report for the most part all things were just fine. I didn’t want to over extend anything so I settled for 3.4 miles. There was some discomfort however nothing more than normal after a week layoff. Tonight I will run a bit further.

I am cautiously optimistic that the remaining of my training will be completed per my schedule. That includes a long run of 22 miles on Sunday May 28th. The schedule after that begins a winding down of weekly distances which is known as taper time.


Tim - glad to hear you are feeling better. Next weekend, let's do another virtual run. 22 is not a walk in the park. It's not just a small little loop. You've really got to know in your mind what you are about to set yourself up to do, and put a plan together.

I so much enjoy reading your RCC posts, and seeing your family pictures. It's very clear where your priorities are, and you are on the $$. You are an inspiration! Thank you for continuing to journal, and continuing to log how you feel. Even on crummy days, when you don't feel like getting out there. It's great knowing I'm not the only one who just can't get it together every single time, and get a run in.

Take care -