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Lovin it!

A lot of time you really look forward to something and than when you get it you end up finding out it wasn’t that big of a deal. Don’t you just hate that?

That is certainly not true of being a Grandpa. I really like this grandpa thing tremendously. My grandkids of course are the greatest so it’s pretty easy. This past weekend I was able to spend time with both the grandson and the granddaughter.

Since my granddaughter is just barely over a month old there’s not a whole lot of chasing required. Basically with her, it is quality quiet time. While I hold her she looks up with her beautiful brown eyes. Eyes that I am sure will make me melt when I need to be called upon for something. Right now she is as content as any baby could be. In due time that will all change and she could be just as hard to keep up with as her cousin.

Our grandson is as active as any toddler could be and then some. This little guy could easily do circles around the energizer bunny. If there is something that needs to be investigated, he will investigate it. If it can be climbed, he will climb it. He is quick to learn so you need to be careful if he is watching you do things because he will try it too. The little guy certainly gives me a good workout.

Now I look forward to the days when they get old enough to go on trips with just grandpa. There’s no doubt it will be well worth the wait.