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Fresh Air

It’s always nice to escape the gloom and doom as reported by the media once in awhile. That is what I did last weekend with the scout troop that I lead. A 3 day weekend in the wilderness gives me the opportunity to just focus on the beautiful things around us.

The conditions of the weekend couldn’t have been much better. The weather was cool in the evenings and just right during the days. There was a brief 5 minute shower early in the evening on Saturday. Other than that it was just perfect. It was great for sleeping and just sitting around the campfire.

The good Lord sure blessed us with beautiful lakes and forests in northern Minnesota. The boundary waters canoe area is where we went for this trip. There are no houses on the lakes. Once you leave the parking lot it’s just about as pure as you can get. The scouts and I explored a couple of lakes, one which had Indian paintings from hundreds of years ago on the face of a cliff. Paddling through the clear water and surrounded by forest is as good as it gets when a person wants to be away from it all.

However all good things must come to an end for us working folks. It was back to the concrete jungle on Sunday. Then back to work on Monday. A new dream to get back to the wilderness has already started.