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A hiking we will go

This weekend I will be camping with my Boy Scout Troop in northern Minnesota. The plans include canoeing and hiking in the Superior National Forest. I have been looking forward to this trip since we planned it in the spring.

Scouting is something that I have dedicated a good part of my life too. I still participate in scouts because I believe it is helpful in a young mans development for the future. I sincerely believe as a scout I developed strong moral values. It was scouting that taught me to work with others as well as be a leader. Due to what scouting did for me, I cannot help but want to do the same for kids today.

Net week I’ll probably have a recap of the weekend. There are a number of sites and activities waiting for us. I can’t wait to fall asleep with the sounds of the loons off in the distance and be awakened in the morning by the same sounds.