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Work is never done

When our children are born we think about how much fun it is going to be to do things with them. The possibilities are endless. There’s the spots stuff, outdoor stuff, movies and building stuff.

There are a number of things my children and I built together. The first things were snowmen and snowdogs. From there we moved up to tricycles, bikes, swing sets, bird houses and who knows what else. Those moments were cherished times for me and my children too.

I had thought that when my kids were off on their own, our project stuff would most likely come to an end. To my pleasure I was so wrong.

The projects have only got bigger. For my daughter there was the brick patio, boy can she move dirt, and a wiring project. For my son I helped a little bit with his family room in the basement and than just recently 3 days to replace the shingles. I enjoy working on these projects just as much as building the snowmen maybe because these projects don’t melt.

Ah yes a dad's work is never done.

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