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No rest for the wicked

This last weekend could be titled no rest from dusk to dawn. Both days were pretty much busy from the time I awoke to just about time to go to bed. There was no fishing or hunting involved either

It began Saturday morning with a little 4.1 mile run. I am hoping to run a half marathon on October 20th so I need to get some running time in there. That went relatively well just a minor issue with my calve. Something I’ll need to work on. A morning run gets things going if you know what I mean.

After a quick shower it was onto a project that was long overdue. Way back last spring a section of about 10' x 10' of our shingles were damaged during a storm. My son, Andy, had patched it with a tarp. The patch worked really well and allowed me to delay this project. I felt I was already living on borrowed time so Andy and I fixed it up Saturday morning. The roof looks like nothing ever happened once again. Take that off the honey do list.

Then it was onto the next project. The dear wife wanted a little patio for under the picnic table. I guess dirt isn’t clean enough. We decided upon an 8’ x 8’ square area using 16” x 16” patio blocks. Anyone looking for a new ab workout? Put in 36 16 x16 patio blocks. That project took up the afternoon and evening. I was allowed a dinner break. Another project taken off the honey do list.

Sunday morning I was off to help Andy put in two windows on his house. We had previously installed a few others and these were the last two of his project. That went very well. It’s amazing how you learn from past experience and things go so much quicker. That last window took us about half the time it took for the first window we replaced. It was my pleasure to help him since he has helped me with plenty of projects before he was a homeowner.

From there it was back to my house to patch the area around the patio installed on Saturday. I added a little dirt around the edge and then placed sod from the clump of grass that I cut out on Saturday. Looks great now.

Mow the yard real quick. A quick 45 minute bike ride. Off to dinner at Andy & Denise’s. Then onto our mixed couples bowling league (that’s a story to come).

All in all a great weekend.


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