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Why not do it again?

Shortly after midnight on Wednesday I registered to run Grandmas Marathon. Provided I finish this will be my 6th running of that event. I say provided due to the fact that I was unable to run in two of the 7 that I previously registered. A stress fracture and some toe surgery stopped me on those occasions. You will be reading about my training highs and lows in the coming weeks.

Many people say “I could never run a marathon!”. Guess what? Many people are wrong.

Running a marathon is not all that difficult if you have the time to train for it. The training programs that I have found are from 16 to 18 weeks long. Most programs have a person run 5 times a week and a few will have 4 runs a week. On the other days it is recommended that you do some type of cross training such as biking, swimming or aerobics. I kind of like look at the actual marathon being similar to Thanksgiving. The cook spends hours preparing a very good meal and it only takes minutes to eat it. To run a marathon a runner takes weeks to prepare for it and in a morning its over (for some a couple of hours).

I am looking forward to this years run just as much as my first and everyone after that. Sure I will be exhausted maybe even a bit sore from running a marathon but the thrill of it all trumps all. It’s going to be fun.


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