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Week 10: Looking for Mr. Goodbar

In my case Mr. Goodbar is Spring. It seems Mother Nature is confused as to whether winter is over or not. We have had two snow events, the term used by our weather people now, this month. From what I recall in the month of April I believe the number of average spring days can be counted on one hand.

This week was a planned step back week. However the step back was a bit more than planned. Due to freezing rain, sleet and blizzard conditions my running was limited to three days. That pretty much added up to only 21.4 miles. That’s about 15 miles less than I would like to have done. Big step back that is for sure.

On the positive side I believe my natural pace has picked up from prior years. I have been able to maintain a pace in the 9:40’s for my medium distance runs now. When I ran my LSD the week before, I had a good number of the mile splits that were under 10:00 minutes. The two eight mile + runs that I completed this week averaged 9:41 and 9:45. Today my last mile of the nine mile run was at a pace of 9:09. I feel quite comfortable with the pace too.

I am pretty sure despite the lack of miles this week I will be just fine. However my down weeks cannot continue. I am pretty much going to have to be at my planned mileage or even above slightly from here on it. I cannot afford any more weather days. I guess I’ll have to be like the postman and run no matter sleet, snow ice or whatever. Also, if the weather doesn’t turn around I might just go postal if you know what I mean. I’ll keep at it I can guarantee you that.

Side Note: I did make two snowmen this weekend.

Have a great week.


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