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Week 8: The week that wasn't

There wasn’t much running this week. After the issues I had during my 25K I decided to take it easy this week. Wanting to take it easy and coupled with some bad weather Thursday into Friday limited me to two short runs this week.

My thought for the week was to run a short run on Tuesday followed by a bike ride and do the same on Thursday. Tuesday worked out fine. I ran 4.2 miles with no trouble and then biked 12. Thursday however was a whole different story There was no run and no bike ride.

It seems like every winter Mother Nature has to throw in that last snowstorm just to irritate many of us. This year she decide to procrastinate and wait until darn near the middle of April. It was darn near a blizzard here in the twin cities and it was a blizzard to the north. Living in Minnesota for the most part is wonderful although it can be frustrating which was the case this past week.

The week did end on a great note. Awhile ago the wife of my good friend who passed away in February informed us that there was a 5K event that was a charity deal for colon cancer. Today was the day for that event. With the help of her daughters quite a crew of people got together to run with Dan in our thoughts. The name of our team was Dan’s Camo Crew. They had camo T-Shirts for us to wear. It was an emotional and wonderful event. I ran with great pride knowing big ol Dan was pushing me to the finish. Ran better than 9:00 mile splits. Great run.

My legs felt light and fresh today. I believe taking it easy will be quite beneficial in the weeks to came. I really felt like I was just floating along while I ran hard today.

So onto week 9. This week I will up my mileage. The plan is to get somewhere between 36 to 40 miles. Sunday’s run should be in the 20 mile ballpark.

Thanks for checking in. Till next week, enjoy each and every day.


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