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Morning Person-NOT

I have begun another phase of my training. One in which I am not too fond of. I need to acclimate myself to getting up early in a.m. and than be active.

The plan is to be to the start line at least an hour prior to the start of the race. A participant gets to the starting line by riding a bus for about 45 minutes. You want to be there at least an hour ahead of the start time. I figure 45 minutes to get dressed and eat a light breakfast. Taking everything into consideration I will need 2 ½ hours of pre-race time. So adding in the walk to the bus stop (including wait time), I will be setting the alarm for about 4:45 a.m.. That hopefully will allow me to comfortably and calmly get to the start line by 7:30 a.m..

That being the case I need to get into a routine of waking early. Alarm is set at 5:20 and will stay at that way until the day before the race. To be active and not go from the bed to the couch I plan to run every other day 3 to 5 miles and the other days, I will go to work early.

I am not a morning person by any means. My day generally starts out by cursing the alarm clock. Unless of course hunting and fishing is the agenda for the day. Be sure not to get in my way, my mood is not the best.

Yes the word crazy can be used to define why I would run a marathon.