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Boyhood Dream Reality

Did you ever fantasize as a kid about being in bike races? That was one of my many fantasies as kid. That fantasy became a reality sort of this past weekend.

A few weeks ago I registered for the first Duluth Dulathon. The dulathon was comprised of a 3.1 mile run, a 20.4 mile bike ride and a 3.4 mile run. I jumped at the opportunity.

Of course in my fictitious bike rides as a youth I finished first, however, I knew in reality that was not going to happen in this event. I went into it with no expectations to speak of. My goals were to finish and enjoy the spirit of the event. Although I finished near the back of the field and last in my age group, I came away walking tall just as if I had finished first.

The two runs were run on cross country ski trails and a snowmobile trail. The trails were through a forested area along the Lester River in Duluth, MN. The setting could not have been any better for an old country boy who loves to hunt and fish.

My finishing time for the whole event was 2:40:30. That was twenty minutes faster than what I thought would be the maximum it would take and about 10 minutes slower than what I thought would be the best I could do. The bottom line was that I finished with a huge smile and very anxious to do it again.

I crossed another item off the list of things that I thought I would never do in life. It really wasn't that hard either.

Even though many have said “Oh I could never do that” actually they can. The problem is people look only at the final trek not the preparation for it. Anyone can accomplish things they cannot imagine themselves doing. It only takes a small step to get started and before you know it, you get there.

Feel free to join me. It will be an annual event for me. So whenever you want just let me know when you want to give it a shot.