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Priceless Weekend

Not too many weekends come along like this last weekend. One item to note it was extended because of the 4th of July. The quality time spent together with the family was priceless.

The weekend started with spending Friday evening with my daughter and granddaughter. Two very precious girls that’s for sure. Granddaughter looks up with her big brown eyes and it makes my heart just melt. It’s just like her mother did when she was little.

Saturday morning was my duathlon event in Duluth. Which I described in an earlier post.

Saturday afternoon was spent with extended family at my father in laws. I barbecued a turkey on the grill while others made side dishes. While doing my cooking a bocce ball game broke out, I finished second. Than we all sat around and enjoyed a great dinner.

Late in the evening my son and I went on one of our deer hunts. When my children were young I would take them on rides through the countryside to spot deer in the fields. Andy and I still enjoy driving around looking for deer. It is quality time at its finest.

Sunday morning Deb and I went to daughter’s house. I trimmed trees while daughter supervised and Deb watched our granddaughter. This was the second work project that Kara and I have done at her house. I think we work well together. She sure has a cute place there.

Sunday evening was a lot like the evening before except it was just my family and the father in law on that night. My son did the barbecuing, burgers. Another very good dinner.

Daughter and I went fishing together late that evening. Kara has loved to fish ever since she was little. While fishing we spotted a few deer that came down by the lake. We caught a few fish but most of all it was quality time well spent.

Monday was hoot to say the least. Spent time with grandson in the water. I showed him at 48 years old fun can still be had. He probably won’t remember but he enjoyed seeing grandpa ride a bike off the end of the dock. This day was just a fun day spent with my family.

I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful family.


How about putting up some quarter round with me sometime soon?

I think your brother needs to spend a quality weekend with you.