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Back in early June I was disappointed with how the Minnesota Twins were playing. I had pretty much given up and expected that they would trade players to contending teams. Than an unbelievable turn around in the season occurred.

Many people would believe the turn around was due to some personnel changes. The Twins replace the whole left side of the infield. They also added a few pitchers, demoted a few and sent one packing. Yes things needed to be changed.

However there was something else that occurred in June that I think was the catalyst in the amazing turn around. That was the birth of my granddaughter, who loves to watch baseball and cheer for the Twins. Since the June 9th I think the Twins won 68 games and lost 33, prior to that they were 28 and 33. There’s no doubt in my mind that her birth was behind the turn around.

Seeing that my granddaughter had such a big impact I’m thinking I should call up the Twins front office and request a sky box for the playoffs.

Whatever happens “GO TWINS”

And yes Thank-you Royals.

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