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My Little Team

As a young parent I dreamt for the days when my children were grown up, were married and had grandkids for me to spoil. That dream has come true 3 fold.

My two grandsons and granddaughter are all very precious. As far as babies go they have been pretty much perfect. At the moment the oldest grandson is in that testing stage. Learning where the limits are before the boom is lowered. My granddaughter is starting to not care so much for strangers holding her. Our little guy is pretty much doing what little babies do and that is eat, mess up the pants and sleeps a lot. The grandkids are living up to my dreams that is for sure.

This last weekend I was quite fortunate to spend time with my daughter and granddaughter. For a few hours it was just me and my granddaughter. It was a special moment that will be remembered for quite sometime. I even did not mind changing the messy diapers in that time period. I was living my dream.

So much more to come. I can hardly weight for the days when they can go camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, biking and all that stuff I like to do. Than after that, great grandkids.


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