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Run Run Run run away

Not too long ago I turned 50. I as well as others see that birthday as a turning point in their life. I think most see it as a turn that goes downhill. I see it as a turn to make life better. I certainly am not going to make 50 the start of my sedentary years that’s for sure. The way I see it fifty is going to be nifty.

I have neglected something for quite sometime. I call it a hobby others call it work and then others call it crazy. Or some refer to it as exercise while I refer to it as meditation. I am referring to running outdoors on a regular basis.

A few nights ago I took the first step in getting back to running on a regular basis. The goal of course was to build up my running to allow me to run another marathon. I made a schedule that details my runs starting this week all the way to June 21st, the date of Grandmas Marathon in Duluth MN.

Tonight was the first run per the schedule. Since I have not run for quite sometime my first run was rather short and quite easy. I ran a very flat 2 miles. It sure didn’t take long for me to enjoy being out running again.

To get ready for an 18 week marathon training a person has to have a good foundation to build upon. During the 18 weeks of training I will average about 38 miles a week. I will be preparing for the start of my training by averaging 25 miles a week for the next 9 weeks. I am quite confident that will give me what I need to roll right into marathon training.

For the most part preparing for and completing the training is an enjoyable time. I will tell you that the some what long runs (over 12) are not always that enjoyable. Then there are the 20 miles plus runs that once you get past 18 to 20 are for sure not all that enjoyable. However those everyday runs that from 4 to 12 miles can be quite enjoyable.

There is more to training than just running mile after mile. I will be doing hill work outs, speed workouts and something called fartleks. The hill workouts are quite simple run up and down a hill 6 to 10 times during a daily workout. Pretty much the same for speed work out only you run on a flat track for about a 440 and than after a brief rest you sprint again. Doing a fartlek is where you alternate a fast pace and a slow pace during your run for that given day. In addition to all the above there will be just the simple pace runs and those are when the meditation takes place.

I’ll keep you posted on my little hobby. Until then get off that chair and go do something for pete’s sake or joe’s sake or better yet your sake. I do care.

See ya


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