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The new era

Technology is the reality of the times today. There are techno gadgets for just about everything we do. Techno toys are far beyond the imaginations of the makers of pong. The youth of today are going to be the techno generation.

Now that I have used my new Techno gadget, Garmin Forerunner 305, I can tell you technology is awesome. The things that this little watch sized gadget can tell you is great. For each run I can review a variety of graphs, see how many calories I burned, the distance I ran, what my heart rate was and much more. A wealth of information right at my finger tips.

I am especially amazed at the graphs. There is a graph that will show you your pace and heart rate. You click anywhere on the graph and it shows you what it was at that point. So for example if I see my pace spiked up along with my HR I can click on the HR line and see what my bpm was at that moment. I can see a graph of my pace along with the graph of the elevation changes. I can also compare the heart rate with the elevation changes. As numbers guy I really like graphs.

The Forerunner also lets me set up what is called virtual runs. I can run against myself on courses that I set up. After I run a route I can save it as a course. Than I can set up a virtual run that will compare a current run with the run I set as the course. The Forerunner shows a split screen indicating where I am compared to where I was when I ran before. It does this by showing you these little animated running guys on the split screen. Now that’s cool.

This device will be quite beneficial as I train for my running of Grandmas Marathon. You can bet that I will be using the virtual runner mode quite often. It will be fun to have someone to run with. I am going to have to come up with a name for that little guy in the window. Maybe Speedy. Or how about the G man? Whatever it is I hope I can keep up with him. You can count on updates.

Now get out there and run.


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