Hi, my name is David Dobrindt and I am running a marathon. Or at least that is the plan. Why am I
doing this? Good question. A couple of years ago I started running long distance
to lose weight. It worked and I dropped some pounds. Then
I decided that I wanted to try to run a marathon, in part
because of pride and in part because of an in-law who is a
marathon runner. Plus I wanted to be part of this small but
geeky club of 26.2. It's not easy, or fun, but I think it will be rewarding.
This is my chronicle of how it went.
Wish me luck, I need it. - Dave
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After I finished the Hamptons Marathon, I couldn't wait to get back out there and train harder. I was very disappointed with my time, and know I can do better. Unfortunately a bad cold hit on Sunday, and my running was curbed a little. I did the bike on Monday, ran on Tuesday, then ran again Fri, Sat and a very short one on Sunday.
It is Monday and my cold is worse. So I might try a 30 minute run later, then ratchet it up during the week as hopefully I start to feel better.
My goal is to be able to run 2 hours, or 13 miles, with almost no effort. Then use that as a base for training for a full marathon.
"Tim and I. If you don't know who is who, our names are on our shirts”
This past Saturday, September 27, Patti’s uncle Tim and I ran the Hamptons Marathon in East Hampton, NY. This was Tim’s 7th marathon, my second. Summary of the week and the race.
Base Camp
Tim and Deb, Patti’s aunt and uncle, flew out from Minnesota on Thursday, I picked them up at JFK, and we headed to my wife’s parent’s house in Hampton Bays. The in-laws house was Base Camp for all of us. I worked from their home on Thur and Friday, and Patti came down with the kids on Thursday night. In all, we had 6 adults and 3 kids all staying with Jim and Pat. They were great hosts, as usual.
The Course
Thursday afternoon we drove the course, which was really pretty...
PS. Read Tim's blog entry here
reading "Hamptons Marathon - Results" »
Diamond Dave After The Race
I ran the Marine Corp Marathon this past Sunday in Washington D.C. I had four goals when I set out…
1) have fun
2) finish the race
3) run it within 4 hours or a 9 minute pace
4) don’t die
I made three of those four goals since my final time was 4 hours 48 minutes and an 11 minute pace. So instead of a 9 minute mile, I ended up with an 11 minute mile. Big deal. I finished, which is something important, considering I am not the best when it comes to eating right and am slightly out of shape.
The race was both fun and awful, but definitely rewarding and once I am out of this really sore period, I will think about the next one I want to do. It was a great overall experience, more on that later.
More below the fold…
reading "Marine Corp Marathon - part two" »
I did my long run this past Sunday (yesterday, Sept 16). It went well. Here was my week...
After my 21 mile run, I took Monday off. I ran 8 on Tue, 6 each on wed and thur in NYC Central Park, then 8 on Friday. I was really tired and a little sore, so I took Saturday off (but went to the gym and swam). I woke up Sunday and drove the route to put out water. I then ran and was going to do 24 but got my mileage wrong and only ran 23. Not a big deal I guess since I felt pretty good while running. I think I can do the marathon.
So I took today off since sore and legs are tired. I will resume tomorrow.
I ordered Gu and Clif Shots from Amazon. It is a lot cheaper than buying one by one. They work for me. I found that I needed less of them this past Sunday.
I have really started to change my diet. More pasta and carbs. Less fatty foods.
It's weird how some people wave when running. I find that more people, other runnings I mean, wave on the weekends than during the week.
My route, no matter where I go, is very hilly. This is going to help I hope. Its weird but I find it easier on my long runs because it changes the muscles I end up using.
I can't wear my ipod during the MCM, which I am a little worried about. I abosultely need it for my long training runs, but people tell me the excitement of the marathon will keep me entertained.
I am about 5 weeks away and on track.
I ran 21.3 miles on Sunday, which is pretty freakin far. It felt good. I went out before the run and hid water along the route, which was key. I also took 4 gel packs to keep up my energy.
I just found out that I am not allowed to have my iPod at the Marine Corp Marathon. Message boards I checked out said that people wear them anyway, but I don't need the distraction of worrying about violating the rules. So I hate to do it, but will probably not listen to music. Not good.
I ran 8 miles on Tue, then 6 this morning. Today, in NYC around Central Park, I ran 6 miles at an 8:13 pace, which is fast for me. I have been consistently in the 8:30-8:45 range in my 6-8 mile runs, and around 9:10 in my long runs. I am concentrating on finishing the marathon this year, and will work on improving my time next year.
I feel pretty good. Legs are a little tired and sore, but breathing is good and endurance seems to be there. I think at this point its a mind game more than a physical challenge.
We'll see.
I ran 21 and a half miles this morning. Crazy. Humans are not meant to run this far.
Along the running theme. Long distance running some times results in chaffed body parts. For me, even though I wear dry fit tshirts, sometimes my nips get raw.
So today (Tuesday) I was in NY City for work after the long weekend. I went for a run around Central Park in the evening and walked back to the hotel. Unfortunately I did not get a room at my normal hotel, so the backup is about a mile from the park. I took some money and on the way back I went to Duane Reed for some water and toiletries I needed.
I walked up to the young check out girl all sweaty and with my earphones still on. I put down the stuff and she looks and me and then looked down at my chest.
“Nice!!” I thought, all those hours in the gym finally paying off. This chick is checking me out.
She kind of smirked and rang up the items. I paid her, gave her a Dave smile to make her day, then left.
About 10 feet from the store I looked down to admire my own chest and figured out why the girl was looking at me. My right nipple was bleeding. I had a white dry fit tshirt on and the blood made a streak from my chest about 4 inches down my shirt, with the red fading in color the farther it went down, kind of like a red comment in the night sky.
So there I was, sweaty stinky hat, holding a plastic bag with shaving cream and a vitamin water, and my bloody nipple seeping through my shirt. Yep, I was the object of Marisol desire.